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Past Incidents
2022 3572
2021 3615
2020 3365
2019 3485
2018 3392
2017 3325
2016 3516
2015 3491
2014 3245
2013 3301
2012 3504
2011 3294
2010 3273
2009 3108
2008 2952

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Website Visitors
November 4, 2010
Visitors Today
Sep 13, 2024

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Copyright © 2024 North Babylon Volunteer Fire Company

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         We are very proud of our Fire Prevention program. Our team works very hard to make our community a safe place to live, work and play. Through education we try to make our community better prepared in case of a fire, injury or medical emergencies.

The Fire Prevention and Education Bureau presents safety programs to all preschools and elementary schools within the North Babylon community. Our target area is preschool through the 1st grade. Utilizing our 30 foot self contained smoke trailer we instruct children on what to do if their house should ever be involved in a fire. Additional topics are covered such as the importance of fire safety, smoke detector use, escape plans, and the technique of stop, drop and roll.

The Public Education Bureau also facilitates various programs each year such as CPR and First Aid classes to different groups and organizations. If you have any questions about our programs or would like to schedule us at your next event or meeting please contact us at 631-669-6620 or please feel free to email us at [email protected]


Fire Prevention


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Firehouse Solutions
North Babylon Volunteer
Fire Company
20 Hale Road
North Babylon, NY 11703
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 631-669-0419
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2024 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)