By Life Member Steve Schaefer
March 29, 2011

March 29,10:57am. North Babylon was alerted to a vehicle fire in the parking lot of the Pathmark shopping center. Suffolk police transmitted a street sweeper with propane tanks was fully involved. Upon arrival, Chief Folise found that the fully involved truck was a asphalt hauler. With information from the trucks operator it was containing three propane tanks, one being a forty pound tank. While trucks were approaching the Chief requested Fire Marshals to the location. He also directed apparatus to get a water supply, and prepare for a possible evacuation of the shopping center. Firefighters directed multiple hose steams to try to knock down the truck fire and also try to keep the propane tanks cool. Information from the truck's driver was helpful to determine the location of the tanks, which were not visible to firefighters. After the fire was deemed safe to approach the vehicle, firefighters and Fire Marshals removed the tanks away from the still smoldering hauler. Fire Marshals determined that two of the three tanks already had vented in the fire, but one twenty pound tank was still full, and unsafe to transport. Fire Marshals set up a device, in the lot, to safely burn off the remaining twenty pound tank's fuel. Video of the fire scene,